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So far Cisdoma Cisdoma has created 473 blog entries.

Training on Developing project proposals to prepare for the “Youth Initiative” sponsorship activity

The activity "Training on Project Proposal Development" is part of the activities under the project "Youth Engagement in Addressing Gender Stereotypes and Promoting Gender Equality in Vietnam.". In preparation for the sponsorship of the "Youth Initiative" at five partner universities in three cities, including Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Da Nang, which includes Hanoi [...]

January 28th, 2022|Uncategorized|

Consultancy for Detail survey and establishment of community-based tourism sites in Tam Duong district, Lai Chau province

Organization: The Consultative Institute for Socio-Economic Development of Rural and Mountainous Areas (CISDOMA) is a Non – Governmental Organization (NGO), established under Decision No 25/QD-TW issued on 22/5/2000 by the President of the Southeast Asian Research Association of Vietnam (SEARAV). Through consultancy and co-operation in implementing sustainable development projects, CISDOMA’s activities are aiming at: Enhancing capacity, increasing [...]

December 14th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Challenging journey to hand over forest land to ethnic minority communities

Considering forests and mountains as a home, as an inheritance from their fathers and a source of livelihood, but ethnic minorities in Kon Tum and Lao Cai have to rent production land, or get paid 1/4 the amount of price that the State pays forestry companies to protect the forest to maintain life. The reallocation [...]

November 4th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Hiring Project Assistant for Project “Youth address gender stereotypes and promote gender equality”

Organization: The Consultative Institute for Socio-Economic Development of Rural and Mountainous Areas (CISDOMA) is a Non – Governmental Organization (NGO), established under Decision No 25/QD-TW issued on 22/5/2000 by the President of the Southeast Asian Research Association of Vietnam (SEARAV). Through consultancy and co-operation in implementing sustainable development projects, CISDOMA’s activities are aiming at: Enhancing capacity, increasing [...]

October 25th, 2021|Job Opportunities, Uncategorized|

Hiring consultant for “Youth address gender stereotypes and promote gender equality in Vietnam” project

Organization: The Consultative Institute for Socio-Economic Development of Rural and Mountainous Areas (CISDOMA) is a Non – Governmental Organization (NGO), established under Decision No 25/QD-TW issued on 22/5/2000 by the President of the Southeast Asian Research Association of Vietnam (SEARAV). Through consultancy and co-operation in implementing sustainable development projects, CISDOMA’s activities are aiming at: Enhancing capacity, increasing [...]

September 24th, 2021|Job Opportunities, Uncategorized|

Coporate to promote Agroecology Transitions in ASEAN region

Recently, CISDOMA has joined the National Board of Member for Knowledge Management of Agro-Ecological Learning Allience in South – East Asia (ALiSEA) in Vietnam. The agriculture sector of Southeast Asian countries is in the crossroads between intensive agricultural models relying heavily on chemical inputs and capital, and innovative agroecological systems, which are less dependent on [...]

July 7th, 2021|Activities, News room, Projects and Programs|

Responding to the World Environment Day and Month of Action for Environment

In response to the World Environment Day and the Month of Action for Environment, on June 11, 2021, CISDOMA, collaborated with Heineken Vietnam and the Economic Department of Dien Ban Town organized the handover ceremony of equipment to support the classification, collection and treatment of domestic waste for the People’s Committee of Dien Tien commune. [...]

June 18th, 2021|Activities, Uncategorized|

Promoting principles and good practices in land governance in Me Kong region

  The 3rd Mekong Subregional Land Forum was successfully held with more than 700 registrations. CISDOMA actively participated and contributed significantly in promoting application of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenures (VGGT), Responsible Agriculture Investments (RAI), and Free-Prior-Informed Consent (FPIC) into ensuring benefits for disadvantaged communities practices.  Following the success of 2 Forums in [...]

June 2nd, 2021|Activities|

Multi-stakeholder Platforms for Sustainable Food systems

On May 18, 2021 nearly 120 delegates participated in a multistakeholder dialogue on sustainable food systems co-organized by the Netherlands Food Partnership, Rabobank, Wageningen University & Research, VNO NCW, Oxfam Novib, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On this forum, CISDOMA’s representative shared the case studies on cooperative models of [...]

May 19th, 2021|Activities, Uncategorized|

Another perspective on gender – insensitive advertising

It has been 7 years since the government officially issued a set of gender indicators in the media, however, gender-insensitive advertising products still appear popular in all news channels. The lack of a consistent effort from both viewers and producers is the bottleneck of this problem. Observing in forums promoting gender equality, brand boycotts with [...]

April 3rd, 2021|Activities, Uncategorized|