

Project “Land policy influencing” (1/2019 – 6/2020)

The project "Land policy influencing" is sponsored by Oxfam Vietnam and conducted by Agriculture Coalition (Agri Co) members - Consultative Institute for Socio-Economic Development of Rural and Mountainous Areas (CISDOMA) and Institute for Economic and Policy Research (VERP). This project concentrates on: Policy changes on the revision of land concentration and accumulation in protection of [...]

November 28th, 2019|Projects and Programs, Uncategorized|

Composting microbial organic fertilizer – A model that contributes to clean the environment and creates additional income for people

Chu Kheo Cao hamlet is a Hmong village located on a high mountain in Khun Ha commune, Tam Duong district, Lai Chau province. For a long time, people in the village still keep cattle near their houses and roads, so the environment in the village is very polluted and there is a high risk of disease. Stemming [...]

July 24th, 2019|Activities, Uncategorized|

Composting post-harvest straw: A solution to contribute to clean the air of Hanoi City

  Rice fields and straw dunes have long become familiar images associated with life in rural areas of Vietnam. However, at present, many farmers still burn straw after harvesting rice, because they think that it is quick, reducing labor use, destroying some pathogens and could collecting rice straw after the rice crop; but they did [...]

July 23rd, 2019|Activities, Uncategorized|

Myanmar Government officials’ study tour on law and policy development in land sector

July 2nd 2019, The Consultative Institute for Socio-Economic Development of Rural and Mountainous Areas (CISDOMA) welcomed a Delegation of senior Myanmar Government Officials in a study tour on law and policy development in land sector. Sharing and discussion between delegates The delegation comprises of 26 participants including senior officials from different committees of Myanmar Upper House, [...]

July 2nd, 2019|Activities, Uncategorized|

Promoting parent participation– Key to a better education

Parent’s capacity and involvement play an integral role in the development of a child. With regards to academic achievement, parent participation in school activities has been proved to boost school success and improvement. Identifying parents as a critical link in advancing education, the project “Promoting inclusive and relevant early childhood care and education for ethnic [...]

December 21st, 2018|News room, Uncategorized|

Job opportunity: Consultancy for External Evaluation of the “Adaptive livelihoods for food security and climate resilience of Vulnerable communities in Vietnam” project

  Organization: The Consultative Institute for Socio-Economic Development of Rural and Mountainous Areas (CISDOMA) is a Non – Governmental Organization (NGO), established under Decision No 25/QD-TW issued on 22/5/2000 by the President of the Southeast Asian Research Association of Vietnam (SEARAV). Through consultancy and co-operation in implementing sustainable development projects, CISDOMA’s activities are aiming at: Enhancing capacity, [...]

October 29th, 2018|Job Opportunities, Uncategorized|

Training on community engagement for corporations and community representatives in Laos and Cambodia

Oxfam in Vietnam (OiVN) is implementing the project “Vietnamese Overseas Foreign Direct Agricultural Investment in the Mekong Sub-Region (Phase II)” in 2017 – 2018. With the objective of “Private and state-linked agricultural investment from Vietnam to the Mekong sub-region respects the land rights of women, men and communities”, the project works toward enhancing Vietnamese investors’ [...]

October 22nd, 2018|Consultancy and Other Services, Uncategorized|

Conduct base line survey and develop MEAL tools for SCI’s project

Save the Children International in Vietnam (SCI) has been implementing a 5 year (2017-2021) project “Strengthening Capacity of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) on Child Rights Governance in Vietnam”. The overall objective of the project is a society where CSOs have developed their capacity and State actors have systematic dialogues with CSOs in order to take [...]

October 22nd, 2018|Consultancy and Other Services, Uncategorized|

Workshop on Simulation Games

Hanoi June 08, 2018, twenty participants coming from various organizations in Laos and Vietnam attended a one-day sharing workshop on simulation games organized by the Consultative Institute for Socio-Economic Development - CISDOMA. From practical experiences of practitioners, great potential for application of the games was observed as the result from this workshop. On June 08, [...]

June 18th, 2018|Activities, Uncategorized|

Publication of the Handbook on Citizens Monitoring Land Use and Governance

Under the project “Citizens Monitoring Land Governance in Vietnam”, The Consultative Institute for Socio-Economic Development of Rural and Mountainous Areas – CISDOMA was responsible for compiling and publishing “The Handbook on Citizens Monitoring Land Use and Governance”. The handbook provides guidelines on methodologies and processes with which citizens could monitor, collect information on, and conduct [...]

May 11th, 2018|News room, Uncategorized|