

About Cisdoma Cisdoma

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So far Cisdoma Cisdoma has created 473 blog entries.

VTV Reportage: The project “Securing land rights of women in ethnic minorities through legal support”

On January 9th 2018, a reportage of the project “Securing land rights of women in ethnic minorities through legal support” implemented by The Consultative Institute for Socio-Economic Development of Rural and Mountainous Areas (CISDOMA) was aired on Vietnam Television (VTV). For further information, please visit: Project information: Name: Securing land rights of women in [...]

January 12th, 2018|News room, Publications|

National workshop “Improving the quality of education for ethnic minority children through language development” held in Hanoi

On September 19th 2017, the Consultative Institute for Socio-Economic Development of Rural and Mountainous Areas (CISDOMA) in coordination with Aide et Action Vietnam (AEA) and Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences (VNIES) held the national workshop "Improving the quality of education for ethnic minority children through language development". This is an activity within the framework of [...]

December 22nd, 2017|Activities, News room|

Job opportunity: Consultant for Documentation of Extended Parents Associations activities (Re-announcement)

The Consultative Institute for Socio-Economic Development of Rural and Mountainous Areas (CISDOMA) is looking for a competent Vietnamese candidate to fill in the position of Consultant for documentation of extended parents associations activities. The activities are held as part of the project “Promoting inclusive and relevant early childhood care and education for ethnic minority and disadvantaged children [...]

December 11th, 2017|Job Opportunities, Uncategorized|

Enhancing farmers’ analytical and decision making capacity through application of simulation games

“Through the games, I now know to invest more wisely”, Ms. Luong Thi Doi, a farmer in Binh Lu commune, Tam Duong district (Lai Chau province) shared after attending the sessions of simulation games. These simulation sessions was supported by the project “Promoting agro-ecology transition via enhancing farmers’ analytical and decision making capacity through application [...]

November 16th, 2017|Activities, News room, Uncategorized|

Job opportunity: Consultant for Documentation of Extended Parents Associations activities

The Consultative Institute for Socio-Economic Development of Rural and Mountainous Areas (CISDOMA) is looking for a competent Vietnamese candidate to fill in the position of Consultant for documentation of extended parents associations activities. The activities are held as part of the project “Promoting inclusive and relevant early childhood care and education for ethnic minority and disadvantaged children [...]

November 14th, 2017|Job Opportunities|

Job opportunity: Consultant for the refresher training course on application of Child-Centered Methodologies (CCM) in integrating the Vietnamese – Mong supplementary materials into preschool programs

The Consultative Institute for Socio-Economic Development of Rural and Mountainous Areas (CISDOMA) is looking for a competent Vietnamese candidate to fill in the position of Consultant for the refresher training course on application of Child-Centered Methodologies (CCM) in integrating the Vietnamese – Mong supplementary materials into preschool programs. The course is held as part of the [...]

November 8th, 2017|Job Opportunities, Uncategorized|

Job opportunity: Consultant for the ToT training course on application of Child-Centered Methodologies (CCM) in integrating the Vietnamese – Mong supplementary materials into extra-curricular activities for primary school students

The Consultative Institute for Socio-Economic Development of Rural and Mountainous Areas (CISDOMA) is looking for a competent Vietnamese candidate to fill in the position of Consultant for the ToT training on application of Child-Centered Methodologies (CCM) in integrating the Vietnamese – Mong supplementary materials into extra-curricular activities for primary school students. The course is held as [...]

November 8th, 2017|Job Opportunities, Uncategorized|

Vietnamese version of the FAO’s Voluntary Guidelines on the responsible Governance of Tenures (VGGT) officially published

The “Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT) of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security” in Vietnamese was recently published jointly by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), Oxfam in Vietnam, the Consultative Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Rural and Mountainous Areas (CISDOMA) and Vietnam Land [...]

October 20th, 2017|Activities, News room, Publications|

Project: “Adaptive livelihoods for food security and climate resilience of vulnerable communities in Vietnam” (07/2017 – 07/2019)

From July 2017 to July 2019, The Consultative Institute for Socio-Economic Development of Rural and Mountainous Areas (CISDOMA) undertakes the project “Adaptive livelihoods for food security and climate resilience of vulnerable communities in Vietnam” under the sponsor of the Bread for the World (BfdW) and The Australian Foundation for the Peoples of Asia and Pacific [...]

October 16th, 2017|Projects and Programs|

Job opportunity: Consultant for the Training on communication and facilitation skills for core propagandists of the Extended Parents Associations

The Consultative Institute for Socio-Economic Development of Rural and Mountainous Areas (CISDOMA) is looking for a competent Vietnamese candidate to fill in the position of Consultant for the Training on communication and facilitation skills for core propagandists of the Extended Parents Associations. The course is held as part of the project “Promoting inclusive and relevant [...]

October 10th, 2017|Job Opportunities, Uncategorized|