Bloomberg Philanthropies’ (BP) plans to expand the use of daycare and support survival swimming in Viet Nam to directly address preventable child drowning deaths.

CISDOMA, in collaboration with Synergos Institute conducted a “Drowning Prevention Sustainability Study”.


From August 2017 to January 2018.


The project sought to develop a sustainability strategy for drowning prevention program in Viet Nam.

CISDOMA’s Services:

  • Research and provide key lessons learned about social programs community-based childcare and survival swim programs in Vietnam
  • Work with team to develop hypotheses to test and refine regarding different routes to sustaining a drowning prevention program.
  • Work with team to develop clear research and interview questions and an analytical framework to that integrates insights and drives towards a clear outcome.
  • Help create a stakeholder map, identifying the key organizations relevant to drowning prevention, both community-based childcare and survival swimming programs.
  • Conducts interview and discussion with key informants by phone or in person, and analyze findings, with a particular focus on senior-level government officials.
  • Help to integrate insights, research, and interviews from all team members into a coherent recommendation to Bloomberg.